Publicación Digital and sustainable trade facilitation in Latin America and the Caribbean: regional report 2023.
Publicación Digital inclusion in Caribbean digital transformation frameworks and initiatives: a review
Publicación Improving broadband quality and affordability in the Caribbean: Policies to advance digital inclusion in the subregion. Policy Brief.
Publicación Towards transformation of the development model in Latin America and the Caribbean: production, inclusion and sustainability
Publicación Digital Transformation as a Coping Strategy To Deal With The Fallout From The Pandemic In The Caribbean
Publicación IT enabled services in the post-pandemic economy new opportunities for relations between India and Latin America
Publicación Innovation for development: The key to a transformative recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean
Publicación Report of the workshop II on technical issues towards effective applications of geospatial technologies and data in support of disaster risk management in the Caribbean
Publicación The era of platforms and the development of data marketplaces in a free competition environment
Publicación Made in Latam: How smart manufacturing can give Latin America new hope for industrialization